FormTitan presents the First Form Builder with built-in Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis Basics
The phrase Sentiment Analysis is usually related to the use of natural language processing in order to identify and extract meaning from various types of sources. In general, Sentiment Analysis is about determining attitudes. Some of the common uses of sentiment analysis are for understanding customer’s intent, preferences and feedback. Recent developments in the areas of machine learning, AI, and natural language processing are the driving force behind increasing use of sentiment analysis for a large range of applications.

Ok, But how is this related to Form Building?
Short or long text boxes are common elements in many types of forms. Closed-ended questions require a simple yes or no answer, or a selection from a dropdown, radio box or check mark. Unlike this type of elements, open-ended questions require the user to insert his own text within a given text box. When coming to analyze user responses, it's easy to aggregate data from closed-ended responses and view them on reports. However, when it comes to open-ended questions, so far the only way to analyze responses was to manually go over them one by one. A task which could be very time consuming, if not impossible when dealing with large number of users.

What are some examples of use?
Sentiment analysis makes sense for many types of open text input fields. E.g. when applied to customer support forms, it can help you figure out if users are happy, neutral or aggravated. Once identified, aggravated users can be easily escalated and given proper responses in order to retain and turn them into happy customers. When combined with our advanced logic features, you can use the sentiment results to show or hide other form elements so each user gets a customized ‘treatment’. Same goes for lead generation forms where sentiment analysis can be employed to identify “hot” leads and give them proper responses. Obviously other types of feedback forms also lend themselves to the use of sentiment analysis for easy analysis of large amounts of textual data.

How do I use it?
First you need to make sure that the license you have includes support for Sentiment Analysis. Once you have it, all you need is to enable “Sentiment Analysis” within the advanced form settings section of the Formbuilder. That’s it. You will see a new type of result, named ‘sentiment’ added to your submission reports.