How to track your lost Android phone

Lost your android phone? How often do you misplace your phone and then find it hard to find it? Now Find your phone the easiest way possible! You can now go to in a web browser and type “Find my phone” to see the exact location of your potentially-lost device. How cool is that?

Google will now locate your phone through Google Search, just like it does in the Android Device Manager app. All you need is the latest version of the Google (Search) app installed and this should work. It may ask that you sign-in to your Google account before it completes the task, but seriously, that’s it, at least according to a G+ post from the search giant.

After searching for your phone, assuming Google finds it, you can even “ring” your phone to set off its ringtone for five minutes. A quick press of the phone’s power button will silence it.

There are some caveats: your phone must have the latest version of Android’s main Google app installed, and your browser must be logged into the same Google account your phone is, but it’s a much simpler way to find your phone than going through the Android Device Manager, which many Android users may not even be aware of.